Release Exam Stress Consciously !!!

Today morning was a preparatory leave for my son as tomorrow is supposed to be the exam day. Though, I let him sleep till late today morning but there was a constant nagging in my mind about his tomorrow's exams which made me feel a bit anxious. 

In India, education and academics have been the traditional focal points of stress for kids as   well as parents. Parental pressure for children to excel in their studies has been unusually        high. A compelling need to excel in academics coming from the family, often tending to abuse, does cripple the student’s morale and is one of the greatest causes for failure and breakdown. India has one of the highest suicide rates among teenagers and young adults between the ages of 15 and 29. Failure in examinations is among the top 10 reasons for suicide in the country. 


Signs that Your Child May be Stressed
  1. Disinterest is one of the greatest signs of a stressed child. Lack of interest in studies, playtime, television and entertainment, or outdoor activities, are telltale signs that something is not quite right. While you investigate the cause, do also look out for   extraordinary fatigue, lack of hunger, disturbed sleep patterns, etc.   
  2. Watch out for frequent bouts of “sickness”. This is a common sign among younger      children. Frequent headaches, stomach aches and induced nausea are some ways a young child may deal with fear or anxiety in general or with regard to one particular activity.
  3. Negativity and negative behaviour is almost revealing when it comes to a child’s state of mind. Negative behaviour could include mood swings, aggression, social isolation or refusal to interact with peers and anxiety.
  4. When it comes to teenagers, parental pressure and resultant stress may translate into rebellion. Undesirable activities such as smoking, drug addiction, playing truant from school, etc., may be manifestations of an inability to deal with parental pressure.
  5. Underachievement in activities that your child generally likes participating in may be a cry for help. Excessive pressure may lead a child to perform poorly in academics or in activities that he/she naturally good at.



    Before I finish this article I just wanted to say how important communication is and that everybody should be able to communicate all around the world but we can't do that if we don't speak the same languages. Did you learn a foreign language in school? Can you speak it fluently? Don't let those years and money spent be a waste! You can "Speak Any Language Instantly" and it's free. Everybody in the world speaks one of 15 languages. And I give you all 15 languages, for free! After finishing reading my article, please  visit because this 3-minute program will make you fluent! Please read my disclaimer at that website. And to see sources and quotes of scientific research that has shown that speaking a second language fluently will increase the size of the brain, make it disease resistant, and slow down aging so that you live longer and have a quicker mind and more productive life, as well as greater career advancement and academic performance and achievement! And it's all free!  Now back to my article...


    Positive Parenting

    Introspect – Introspection is a key element of parenting. After a long day, review your interactions with your child/ward. Have these interactions been one-sided or does your child have the right to disagree? Has your own behaviour been compelling rather than understanding and inspiring?
    Encourage – Encouragement, coming from parents, can be a child’s stepping stone to success. You are a key player in your child’s life and shall be the one your child will depend on to teach him/her confidence, hard work and excellence. It is also your responsibility to teach your child to accept failure without losing heart. Failure is a cue to seek newer opportunities and not an occasion for mourning.
    Interact – Some of the best times you are likely to spend with your child are those when you are playing, laughing and participating in fun or leisure activities. Make these times an opportunity to build camaraderie and friendship. Any word of advice that you shall then have will not sound like a commandment and will help strengthen your child’s personality.
    Seek Help – Seeking professional help for you and your child is no longer taboo. In fact family counseling is a necessary part of life given the fast paced lives we lead. Psychologists and counselors are trained to identify negative behavioural patterns and help you break them.

    Let's all pledge to let our children experiment and explore and let's just encourage them when they achieve small success. Let's give them the space where they can be their self competitor instead of comparing and competing them with the whole world. And I am sure our kids will show gradual improvements...

    What are your thoughts on this guys?



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